Google Earth Day Quiz


Google Earth Day Quiz

Written by Jamie

Apr 22, 15
Google Earth Day Quiz

Everyone is a fan of the new doodle Google provides each day, and they have a history of celebrating holidays with particularly good and interactive ones. Well this year Google has out-done themselves.

Everyone is a fan of the new doodle Google provides each day, and they have a history of celebrating holidays with particularly good and interactive ones. Well this year Google has out-done themselves.

Their doodle for the internationally deemed Earth Day celebration 2015 has sparked Global interest and has gone viral. This year the Google team has designed a fun quiz for users to take to determine which animal they are. By simply clicking on the spinning 3D rendered globe, which takes the place of the second “o”, you can take part. At the end of the quiz you are awarded a fun illustration of your spirit animal and description! Google has even put up testimonials from stars like Jane Goodall (Whooping Crane) and Edward Norton (Pangolin).

Which animal are you? One of our designers scored the almighty “Wooly Mammoth”.

Find out your spirit animal by clicking here!

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