iSolutions - Content marketing & Social Media agency - Perth, Western Australia

Social Media

Building trust and familiarity by communicating with your audience.

Social Media

If you’re feeling a bit lost on twitter, don’t think you're getting enough bang for your buck out of Facebook, or just need some direction, then we're here to help you out.

Social Media, whether it’s Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Instagram or Pinterest, is now one of the primary modes of online activity for 70% of Australians. That’s about 16 million people in Australia alone – and that number is showing no signs of slowing down. IST can help to make sure your audience is hearing you over the noise of the competition.

Marketing on social media creates another avenue to tell your story. Delivering value, increasing brand loyalty, increasing sales and improving traffic to your website. IST will curate a personalised plan and direct you through the process of how to tell your story effectively.

Engaging strategies that deliver value and build trust throughout the sales cycle.
  • Our Capabilities

    We help small businesses create and distribute engaging and relevant content. Turning shoppers into buyers and customers into brand ambassadors.  

  • Social Media Strategy

    A plan for all the action.

    Finding your voice, an audience, then building a flexible strategy to grow and adapt with your business is the key to an effective and sustainable social media presence. Our team at iST develop customised social media calendars for your business. Designed to take the stress out of deciding when to post and what to post about, giving you more time to get down to it and connect with your customers.

    • Goals & Strategy

      We begin by delving into your business goals and determining what you want to gain from social media. From this, we create a social media strategy tailored to your business with the humble aim of smashing these goals out of the park.

    • Understanding your audience

      Knowing who you’re talking to is the first step to being effective on social media. Through our research we help you workout exactly who your audience is, what channels they’re on and what they’re listening to. Armed with this info and a strategy for execution, you’ll be much better equipped to reach your audience and cut through the noise.

    • Training and ongoing support

      Social can be a daunting task, but no one knows your business better than you. We offer training and ongoing support to help you get acquainted and then keep you on track.

  • Social Media Advertising

    Get your message seen by the right people.

    Creating content that your customers actually want to read is the first obstacle, but getting it out there and in front of the right people is where the challenge begins.

    • Campaign Strategy

      Aligning social media activities with business objectives. Planning how we’re going to reach the right audience. The steps they need to take to get there. Qualifying leads and moving them through the sales funnel.

    • Campaign Creative

      Messaging, Graphics, Call-to-actions. Creating content that communicates your message and resonates with your audience. Coordinating your social media with your monthly themes and in a way that is engaging and useful for your followers.

    • Competition Design

      If your looking to ramp up your efforts on social media, competitions, and giveaways are a great way to give back to loyal customers and increase exposure to potential audiences.

    • Remarketing

      Generating traffic to your site but not seeing conversions? This is where cross-channel remarketing comes in. Utilising remarketing to target your visitors across all channels can help to enhance engagement and lead to conversions down the track.

    • Account management

      Social media requires swift responses. Our dedicated team are able to manage your social accounts in-house. Responding to questions, liking comments and addressing reviews both positive and negative with professionalism.

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  • Optimisation & Analytics

    Know exactly what’s working and where your money is going.

    Design is so subjective… fortunately we can use data and testing to provide objective answers to subjective questions. Through a combination of Google Analytics and Facebook’s inbuilt reporting tools, we’re able to show you what’s working, what needs to be improved and what’s delivering you the best ROI.

    • Facebook Pixel Set-up

      An incredibly powerful tool, the Facebook pixel allows you to get granular with your data, directly target website visitors and create look-a-like audiences based on your site traffic to increase your exposure.

    • Optimisation

      Being able to tell which ads are working is the only way to improve your marketing. We help level the playing field by providing you with the tools and resources used by marketing companies around the world.

    • A/B Testing

      Being able to tell which ads are working is the only way to improve your marketing. We help level the playing field by providing you with the tools and resources used by marketing companies around the world.

  • Content Strategy

    Without a Strategy, a goal is just a dream.

    Finding your voice, an audience, then building a flexible strategy that can evolve to any new findings or growth, is the key to an effective and sustainable social media presence for your business. With our audience research, content calendars, and experience with online promotion, you're all set to connect.

    • Planning ahead

      Never have enough time? Always on the back foot with your marketing? Once we’ve determined who your audience is, we’ll help you to create content they’ll find useful and engaging, drawing them in and funneling them towards your website.

    • The right content

      The problem with company blogs is they rarely address the users problems or questions. Evergreen content, is essentially content that's always relevant, doesn’t become outdated and is designed to be repeatedly shared. But this requires time, patience and maximum attention to detail. We can show you how to get the most out of your content, and how to create content your customers actually want to read.

    • Publishing Software

      Design, schedule and publish your content with ease. Managing your social media accounts can be a full-time job without the right tools. We get you set up with the same software as the pro’s and provide ongoing support - making sure you’re not in over your head. Let the software do all the fiddly work for you, while you sit back, relax and watch the conversations evolve.

Got a project on the cards? We’d love to hear about it.

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